Andon-Reid Inn Bed and Breakfast

The Exterior of the Andon-Reid with Sign


Vroom Vroom

Nobody would accuse me of being a great driver.  I’m more slow and cautious than fast and thrilling.  For that reason, despite loving all things automotive, I have always resisted the urge to treat myself to a fancy sports car or motorbike.  My driving style just wouldn’t do it justice and I am perfectly happy with my practical and comfortable Jeep Cherokee.

But a man can still dream can’t he?  So, I am always very glad when one of our guests at the Andon-Reid Inn shows up in a fancy vehicle.  At least I can then vicariously live out some of my petrol-head fantasies. For instance, over the last few years I have been delighted with the fair share of fine automotive machinery visiting the Inn.  I recall a parking lot full of Corvettes in all different colors, some truly amazing Harley Davidson bikes, top of the range BMW and Audi sports cars, car clubs who had a grand old time renting the entire inn, and even the largest and most tricked-out Dodge Ram truck I have ever seen that just squeezed though the driveway.

The pièce de résistance however, arrived at the Andon-Reid Inn a short time ago when one of our guests stopped overnight en-route to a Ferrari owners club charity rally.  There it was – a low, sleek symphony in shining Ferrari red, idling with an impressive throaty rumble.   I must admit it looked rather good parked outside the Andon-Reid Inn and (once I had stopped drooling) I had to take a few pictures to establish future bragging rights.

If you are a motoring/motor biking enthusiast, then the area around the Andon-Reid Inn has some great winding mountain roads for you to try out – you know the type they use in car advertisements that are subtitled “professional driver on closed circuit do not attempt”.  Our roads range from the gentle scenic meandering of the Blue Ridge Parkway to the awesome “Tail of the Dragon” with its 318 curves in 11 miles.  Even if your automotive talents are, like mine, more modest, there is so much to see, do and enjoy at the Andon-Reid Inn and surrounding areas that you should really come over and give us a try.

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